re: the last post, handfelting. i'm now inspired to take up wire work or blacksmithing or even horse shoeing, as i don't know how soon i want to touch wet fiber again. it was interesting at first and then got old, fast. drips running up the forearms, etc.
i'm thinking that is going to be more of a summertime activity.
i've learned a bit about biting my tongue, and that old saw about discretion being the better part of valor, i.e. knowing when to keep one's mouth shut this week.
first, i learned "thanks for the tip" instead of freaking out on someone explaining something to me that i already know. i'm not patient, and feel insulted sometimes when someone explains something to me- esp when i'm like a billion steps ahead. however, in the future, a grave nod and a serious "thanks" or "thanks for the tip/idea" will suffice. no one will give a damn how smart you are if you are a complete asshole about it.
second, well, it regards projects in various states of "in progress" and my need for information to continue with any of them. i am impatient (see above) and so am punishing the projects by picking up an old bracelet project that's been patiently waiting for me on my shelf. it's nice that what i make is more chilled out than i am.
and speaking of impatience, i think it's a good time to get my ducks in a row and get some projects done and posted already. i'm chomping at the bit to get some new yarns and some new projects started (especially since i've visited with some incredible yarns new to me and have some super cool ideas). i can't complain, as much as i'd like to say "if i don't make any sales i can't move it to the next level already" because it's no one's fault but my own.
(i could also consider blaming the military/industrial complex and a certain former president, not to mention some unscrupulous financiers as well but i think they've really got enough on their heads as it is. perhaps.)
everyday circumstances kill the creativity sometimes, and make it harder to do these things that i love, but in the end those are just excuses too.
and on the plus side, i've just made a lovely pitcher of tomatillo salsa, have tortillas in the oven turning into chips and a pot of non-burnt black beans on the stove. if i could find it in myself not to wish for a six pack of pacifico or another pitcher full of margaritas, i would be completely content.